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Exploring Twitter

At a glance Twitter appears to be just like status updates in Facebook, but with none of the other junk. Just plain text from your friends and those you decide to follow. Doh! I should have been doing twitter all along and ignoring Facebook. If you care, I am scottdavidnolan on Twitter. I will NOT […]

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Bring Your Own Devices Policies and Thin Client Technology

This is an interesting trend, and with the availability of thin clients and server hosted desktops (eg: VMware OpenView) it is possible to let employees use their own laptops yet never have any corporate data on them, as the data can stay on the desktop server in the data center. More Offices Let Workers Choose […]

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Deleted Facebook Account

Tired of being treated horribly I deleted my Facebook account. I’ll miss folks, but it just was not worth it anymore.

Comcast without a box

Comcast has finally completely cut off analog TV feeds, requiring their customers with only analog tuners to: 1) buy a digital tuner converter 2) rent one of the horrible Comcast tuner boxes 3) replace analog TVs with digital TVs that can tune in the few digital channels Comcast still feeds (for how long?) 4) cancel […]

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Spreadsheet Foo in Numbers

For those of you with Numbers ’09 (usually part of iWork ’09) who want the functionality of Excel Pivot-Tables in your Numbers spreadsheets, check out Table Categories in Numbers: MacMost Now 478: Pivot Tables in iWork 09 Numbers Gary has perhaps the best layman’s explanation of Pivot Tables and how you can effectively accomplish the […]

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Where are the jobs bills?

Republicans have controlled congress for the past 8 months; yet there is not even one attempted jobs bill nor even one attempted bill to try ending the recession. They have not even tried and been vetoed or rejected in the Senate… they simply have not tried. Clearly Republicans, at least the ones in office now, […]

Computer and Browser Security Alert

DigiNotar is a Dutch certificate authority that has been a trusted source of computer and web security certificates for several years; but they have issued several fraudulent certificates including certificates for the domains of Google, GMail, Yahoo!, Mozilla, WordPress. Pretty much all the web browser companies and operating systems providers are scrambling to revoke the […]

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Week of Rain in the Forecast…

Guess it’s a good time to buy some grass seed and over seed the bare spots in the yard. Also a good time to clean gutters and make sure drain tile is connected to down spouts and is clear of debris.

Initial iPad Setup

A beloved relative recently asked me for help setting up their new iPad 2, and I responded initially with a long email that detailed how to first update iTunes on their Mac and then plug in and update the iPad itself. I went on to have them grab three free apps and a free book […]

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Virginia State Elections, 2011

Here is what I have found out about my choices so far for the November 8th General Election (all state delegates, many state senators, and many local county and city offices up for election): I am in a new House of Delegates district because of the 2010 U.S. Census and redistricting, the new district is […]
