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Find my iPhone

The Find my iPhone feature available on iPhones and iPads is very, very handy if you ever lose or misplace your phone. The catch is you have to turn the feature on before you lose the device. Once lost, it is too late. So take a few minutes and enable and test the feature when it is working and next to you and easy to access.

On the iPhone or iPad:
* Tap Settings
* Tap iCloud
* make sure the iCloud Account is your regular AppleID (iCloud/iTunes/AppleID/MobileMe/ accounts are all the same thing), it should be a full email address format account name
* scroll down and turn on Find My iPhone or iPad (or make sure it is already turned on)

On any computer:
* point a web browser at
* log in with your AppleID (same one you just used on the iPhone or iPad)
* Set your Language and TimeZone
* Click the Find my iPhone Button

It should list your devices (iPhone, iPad, etc) by name if you have named them.
* It can find the one you select, and show it’s location on a map.
* You can send a sound alert (finds the devices when they get lost under laundry or between sofa cushions).
* You can remote lock or remote wipe them (if you think they are in the hands of bad guys).
* You can report location to the police too in that event.
* You can send a message that will appear on screen.

Trust me – you want to do this as soon as you get the device, just in case…. and Murphy’s law says that if you are prepared to lose your iPhone or iPad you will never lose either.

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Occupy movement is a cause, or an effect?

Wow, very thoughtful and though-provoking essay by professor Robert Jenson; worth reading and thinking about…. Occupy movement is more than just a flash in the pan.

Virginia General Elections November 8th

In just nine days every registered Virginia voter will be able to cast ballots in the first state-wide general election since redistricting from the 2010 United States Census. Remember to check with the board of elections to find out your ballot before you vote so you have time to research your choices, or lack thereof.

Virginia Board of Elections

If you are unsure of your district, or where to vote – you can enter your County or City and Address on this website and find out about your districts and voting location:

What’s on My Ballot

All polling places will be open from 6am to 7pm on Tuesday, November 8th.

Many state senate offices are being challenged. All state legislature delegates are up for re-election. Many county and city offices are also having elections.

These state and local elections have very far reaching impacts as the redistricting was decided by the winners of the last set of state and local elections, and the winners can shift the balance in the U.S. Congress by several seats per state each redistricting. It is one of the failures of our democracy, but one we have to live with until we amend the constitution.

Go vote and make your voice heard, even if your vote is for “None of the above.”

FlashPlayer allows remote viewing/listening based on server settings

Every month since I disabled Adobe FlashPlayer on my laptops and desktops I have had that decision re-enforced by yet more news about security vulnerabilities, battery drain issues, and system crashes all derived from running FlashPlayer. I am so glad I disabled the junk software and recommend everyone else do that too.

Here is reason number 12 or 13 (I am beginning to lose count) detailing why you should NOT to run Adobe/Macromedia FlashPlayer on any device that has a camera and microphone:

The Sins of the Flash

Wow, that was last December – so almost a year running with no FlashPlayer, and I am very happy.
Very Happy I Disabled Flash on my Macs

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Jabber/AIM/GTalk/Yahoo instant messages on iPhone

Enjoying OneTeam ( new Jabber/AIM/Yahoo/GTalk client on my iPhone that supports Jabber Chat rooms beautifully.

Mobile Phone Carrier Contracts

If you are getting a new mobile phone, and you’ll be extending your contract, please have driver’s license, passport, military id, or state id ready. The carriers require that in order to extend your contract.

You should also sync your current mobile phone to your computer to back up it’s data before switching it out for a new one. It is always good to have a backup.

To find out if your carrier will let you upgrade cheaply, call their automated number and get a text back:

Started iOS 5.0 update for iPad

Woot! The long awaited iOS update is showing up in my iTunes 10.5 now; so I am applying it to iPad first and then iPhone 4 next.


Even more Squee: Airport Utility for iOS!!!

Getting ready for Friday

iPhone carrier plan comparison

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Evernote totally rocks!

I am replacing (finally) my venerable Palm Tungsten C and Palm Desktop Software on my Macs with Evernote… and it may replace some other things too – initial impression is: amazing!

The driver to get off Palm Desktop (which I admit to using less and less lately) is that it is a PowerPC app on Macs that only runs because of Rosetta PowerPC emulation on intel based Macs. Rosetta is not in Lion, so in order to upgrade to Lion I need to replace Palm Desktop.

The Evernote solution looks vastly more attractive and sustainable.

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UltraViolet Launches

We’ve launched…

This is what has been taking up a lot of my spare time for a long time.