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Media Bias or Propaganda?

Criticism does not equal threats, violence, and vandalism. When liberals were pissed about the theft of the 2000 election and the following 8 corrupt years, we criticized. Tea Party threats, violence, and vandalism is NOT the same thing and the media shows it’s clear right wing bias by portraying it as “violence on both sides” […]

Harry Reid did not need to apologize

I completely agree with Sandy Banks when she writes “It’s not Harry Reid who should be apologizing“, it’s Michael Steele. There is nothing racist in what Harry Reid said. Perhaps it is a bit cynical of the American public, which is dangerous ground for a publicly elected official, but it’s also an accurate and damning […]

Independent? Not!

The mainstream media needs to find a new adjective to describe Joe Lieberman, for you cannot be called independent when you are a wholly owned pawn of the insurance industry. Just because he was rejected by the Democratic Party of his own state, and is therefore not in either of the two main parties; that […]

Health Care Reform, H.R. 3962

I am seeing a whole lot of angry and misleading rhetoric about the house bill on health care that passed last night. In case you want to know the facts, the whole text is online: H.R. 3962 ( It is interesting to note that most of the early commenters are always paid lobbyists; so disregard […]

Disappointed in my Precinct

According to the Verifiable Voting Coalition of Virginia, Virginia law requires that all new voting machines be optical scan tabulators that provide a voter-verified paper audit trail. So why did I have to vote on an unverifiable paperless electronic voting machines, known as DRE? Because our lame legislators have allowed for a very long, gradual […]

Vote Today

If you are able to vote, and you do not; you have no right to complain about the government you get stuck with. Virginia polling stations are open 6am to 7pm today. Don’t chance it, get to the station plenty early.

Appeal to moderates and reasonable people

Hello, hello; mainstream Americans… please vote. When you skip your chance to vote, you lend more power to the radicals on all sides. The power of each vote is inversely proportional to the number of votes being cast. In non-presidential elections most voters stay home, leaving only the most motivated with control of the off-year […]

Elections Rigged?

For all of you who thought I was crazy for harping on the possibility that voting machines were rigged to skew an election one way or another… uh… I damn well told you so! Basically this proves that the logical check sum that most election processes in the United States require is simply not […]

Things I have seen this morning…

This is nearly random stuff pulled together from my morning surfing; and it really scares me… This: (while I like neighborhood watch organizations, they bring people together and help stop crime; this is very eerie and has potential for being abused) when combined with this: Is a really scary combination, isn’t it?


One of my nieces is going to tour Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia as a possible school to attend next year. How does one share with a young person the horrible reputation of the place without discouraging them? This should be a time of hope, adventure, and learning… and yet I cannot in good conscience […]