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Intolerance or Election?

There is a whole lot of hoopla about a Muslim community center in lower Manhattan dominating the news, the blogs, and the political zeitgeist of America for several weeks now. One of my friends aptly calls the whole fiasco horseshit… and he’s correct… but I think it is manufactured horseshit. I don’t think people are […]

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2010 Election, less than 3 months away

On November 2nd every U.S. Voter will get a chance to vote for their representation in the United States Congress. Many locations will also have other offices open, including U.S. Senate seats, and often local or state offices. Virginia State Board of Elections information for Prince William County It is time to start researching your […]

This is one reason Fox is propaganda

The deliberate misrepresentation of data to manipulate it’s viewers: Media Matters “Worst chart I’ve seen all day” The Republicans have Fox and the Soviets have Pravda.

Excellent article in Rolling Stone

This may be the best bit of journalism publish in the United States in two decades… excellent and valid criticism of our president and the corrupting power of giant multi-national corporations. Hat tip to “The Richmonder” on Blue Virginia for pointing the excellent article out.

Primary Elections Tomorrow

Several of Virginia’s U.S. Congressional districts are holding Republican Party Primary Elections tomorrow, June 8th. If you are a registered voter in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, or 11th congressional districts; you may vote in tomorrow’s primary. The State Board of Elections has the candidates by district here: I confess I have not been […]

Jealous of the United Kingdom

I confess I am a bit jealous that the United Kingdom enjoys a Conservative Party that is willing to accept modern realities and even compromise with moderates on important national issues. I am not a huge fan of the Tories, but they can at least be reasonable and be reasoned with. What went wrong in […]

Andrei Codrescu’s essay on Arizona’s new immigration laws

I think Andrei Codrescu has a really good take on the recent insanity from Arizona in immigration: Thanks Andrei for keeping things in perspective.

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

What are all those “Tea Party” folks up in arms about again? Yet more proof that we are about as far away from socialism as we’ve ever been, which is a sad thing, as socialism is literally caring for those around you. So I guess the search for what is really making all the […]

City and Town Elections Tomorrow, May 4th

Clifton, Herndon, Vienna, and apparently Falls Church all have town elections tomorrow, May 4th. Remember to vote if you can.

Clifton, Herndon, and Vienna Elections, May 4th

Just a reminder to voters who live in the towns of Clifton, Herndon, and Vienna that May 4th is your town election day. Be prepared before you go to the polls.