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Microsoft Messenger for Mac

I am trying to use Microsoft Messenger for Mac 6.0.3 talking only to the corporate accounts, and it frequently will only let me log in but appear offline… I can’t send nor get new messages until I can get it to report online, but clicking the menu items and buttons to go online does nothing. […]

Frustrations with unneeded iOS app upgrades

Most of the time the iOS application ecosystem works exactly the way you want it to. I back up my iPhone daily and my iPad weekly by plugging them into my laptop and frequently update all Apps that I have already “purchased” (mostly they are free) and everything is pretty current and generally works great. […]

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Silence is Golden

I have my phones all on the Do-Not-Call list, but there are always those who ignore the law and spam anyway. They tend to do it from the same numbers, and I have added them to my phone’s contact list and associated them with a custom ringtone that is 15 seconds of silence so I […]

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Fun UNIX Shell Tricks

I wanted to know what was the last date of the preceding month to now… regardless of when now is… The UNIX/Linux cal command came to the rescue: cal -3 | cut -c1-16 | grep -v “^ *$” | tail -1 | sed -e ‘s/^..* \([23][0-9]\)/\1/’ It turns out you need a fairly modern version […]

Egads, more than a month since my last post…

Clearly I have been a little overwhelmed by life lately, and that has been both good and bad… Trivial little updates and one liners are so easy on that mixed blessing/curse of Facebook that I am afraid I have neglected more thoughtful writing here. I will try to catch up a little for those who […]

iOS Airport Utility on iPad has a nifty feature

I noticed a pretty nifty feature of the Airport Utility app on my iOS 5.0.1 based iPad. When I have multiple Apple branded Airport devices wired to the same network, they appear side by side on the Airport Utility’s topology map: When I have one Airport device daisy chained off another, both setting up private […]

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Evernote totally rocks!

I am replacing (finally) my venerable Palm Tungsten C and Palm Desktop Software on my Macs with Evernote… and it may replace some other things too – initial impression is: amazing! The driver to get off Palm Desktop (which I admit to using less and less lately) is that it is a PowerPC app on […]

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Bring Your Own Devices Policies and Thin Client Technology

This is an interesting trend, and with the availability of thin clients and server hosted desktops (eg: VMware OpenView) it is possible to let employees use their own laptops yet never have any corporate data on them, as the data can stay on the desktop server in the data center. More Offices Let Workers Choose […]

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Spreadsheet Foo in Numbers

For those of you with Numbers ’09 (usually part of iWork ’09) who want the functionality of Excel Pivot-Tables in your Numbers spreadsheets, check out Table Categories in Numbers: MacMost Now 478: Pivot Tables in iWork 09 Numbers Gary has perhaps the best layman’s explanation of Pivot Tables and how you can effectively accomplish the […]

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Initial iPad Setup

A beloved relative recently asked me for help setting up their new iPad 2, and I responded initially with a long email that detailed how to first update iTunes on their Mac and then plug in and update the iPad itself. I went on to have them grab three free apps and a free book […]

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