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PowerMac G5 at Work

My employer’s internal computing arm finally upgraded my desktop machine at work from a February 2000 issued PowerMac G4 (500Mhz, 256MB, 25GB, Zip100, DVD-RAM, ATI RagePro) to a brand new PowerMac G5 (dual 1.8GHz, 512MB, 160GB, SuperDrive, GeForce 5200). So far the largest noticeable difference has been that the firewire ports work (the old machine’s […]

New Lawn Mower on Order

Last Friday morning, after several days of research into my choices, I ordered a new Ariens Mini Zoom 1540 riding lawn mower from Lawn & Leisure of Sterling, VA. Joel at Lawn & Leisure was very helpful and applied no high pressure sales tactics. Buying any riding, rotary mower was hard for me to do. […]

Roemmelt for Delegate

Last night Erci and I went over to Virginia Assembly candidate Bruce Roemmelt‘s house to help with his campaign. Last night this meant stuffing envelopes, and sorting bulk mail. Reminded us of newsletter production back in our Society for Creative Anachronism days. The crew at Bruce and Beth and Sam’s house are really nice; a […]

Voting and Meeting Bruce Roemmelt

This morning Erci and I went to vote in Virginia’s primary elections and we ran into Bruce Roemmelt, who is running for State Assembly district 13 this November. I have been very excited to meet Bruce since I first discovered he was running against our current delegate (a completely useless man), and that for the […]

The Dishonest President

Once again we are confronted with a pack of lies by own own nation’s president. When George W. Bush says, about Social Security: “The system is headed for bankruptcy.” That is a deliberately misleading lie. The Social Security system is not headed for bankruptcy. It is headed for a time when it will begin reclaiming […]

Affordable Macintosh Computers!

Wow, Apple has finally done what we geeks have been asking them to do since Macintoshes first became interesting with the advent of Mac OS X! For the first time ever you can now buy a Macintosh without a monitor (allowing you to chose one you like, or use one you already have), without a […]

Palm and WiFi

This is a test posting from my Palm Tungsten C using Plogit. If this works I’ll be able to update this blog more often from my PDA.

Immoral Conservatives

“Two nations, under Bush – very divisible… with liberty and justice for only a chosen few.” Wow – that sums it all up, n’est pas? A week after the fiasco of 2004 I am still reeling from the realization that a significant proportion of American voters are so ignorant, and so immoral, that they could […]

Verified Voting is Essential for Democracy

There are a lot of people who argue that the election was stolen via the electronic machines. There are a lot of people who say that is a myth. Wether you subscribe to the theory that the election was stolen or not, two facts remain absolutely imperical: 1) people do NOT trust the paperless electronic […]

Stolen Election or Nation of Idiots?

As of 7:12am Eastern, only 112,596,922 votes are counted… That seems a little low to me. It would indicate an increase of 10% over the 2000 election, but that is less of an increase than I expected with the massive voter turnout and registration efforts. Additionally, I find it hard to believe that just over […]