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Shindig (for Firefly fans)

If you are a Firefly fan and you would be interested in a costumed shindig, perhaps in June or July, please send me an email with the email address you would like the invite to be sent to. Please title the email “Shinding, Yes Please” and I will get you on the list. My […]

Mounting SMB Media on AppleTV

We’ve been using XBMC to view movies and videos on our first generation AppleTV for a while, but it has always been a pain to manually copy (via scp) the files to the AppleTV and then remove them once they’ve been watched because the disk space is limited. So I finally got around to setting […]

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Yuletide Ball was Fantastic Fun

Erci and I attended Yuletide Ball Championships with our teachers from The Ballroom, Darryl Adams and Michele Kearney. The championship is typically 3-4 days of competitive dancing and showcase exhibitions. There is also always a New Year’s Eve Gala Ball, which we attended with Ann Marlow and Dan Van Bey. The Gala is always lots […]

How to add non-Amazon products to your Amazon wish list

Amazon Wish Lists are a decent way of exchanging gift ideas with remote friends and family, but I have never liked that until recently the list only included Amazon products… Well, if you use Firefox as your web browser (and possibly others too) you can add items from other online websites now. It does not […]

Digitizing Old Record Albums

I used to collect records, both for myself and as material for a part time job as a DJ at weddings and parties. I amassed a sizable collection (perhaps 800 albums, though I have not counted). A lot of that was collecting other people’s collections when they converted to CD or downsized for families or […]

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Our Rally Experience

My wife and I heard via facebook that Metro Vienna was mobbed and hard to get into as early as 9:30am, so we continued driving into Crystal City where we knew we could park where she works even if public parking was full. Public parking was not full; but the Crystal City Metro station was […]

Cthulu does Old Spice Advert!

This brings back many fond memories of playing Call of Cthulu with friends when I was stationed in Hawaii….

Apple’s iPod/AppleTV/iTunes announcement

I think that the new iPods look great, but that the best news out of Apple today was the price reduction on the classic AppleTV devices… only $149 while supplies last… Classic AppleTV (160GB) The new AppleTV also looks pretty cool, and at $99 it will likely be a market success, but it does not […]

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HDMI cable price gouging continues

This weekend my partner and I decided to finally execute a many year plan to set up a home theater in our basement. We shopped around a little and scored an LCD television, receiver, disc player, and speakers from a local Best Buy. I was sad to see that the decade old practice of price […]

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Mountville Folk Festival was magical

Last night our neighbors and friends invited to join them at the Mountville Folk Festival which they hosted on the lawn near their house in Aldie, Virginia. It was a magical evening with many folk, rock, and jazz musicians playing live on a beautiful lawn under a beautiful moon with kids dancing and playing around […]