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HDMI cable price gouging continues

This weekend my partner and I decided to finally execute a many year plan to set up a home theater in our basement. We shopped around a little and scored an LCD television, receiver, disc player, and speakers from a local Best Buy. I was sad to see that the decade old practice of price […]

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Serious iPhone/AT&T problem

Important Revision: Improper use of iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS multitasking in iOS 4 appears to be the cause of dramatic increase in data plan usage for many people, and faster battery drain for many people. The important take away, is that so long as you have enough memory, when you switch applications on the […]

Just in case….

If you really want to link to this website/blog, feel free. If you want this website to link to your own site, send me an email or comment indicating so and I’ll review the request, but I won’t respond. I am pretty sure that 99% of the link requests I get are spammers, but just […]

Pretty Sky Last Night

Sunset Sky Gallery

iOS 4 on iPhone 3G tips

If you are running iOS 4 on older iPhone 3G hardware, this may help your phone go faster: How to speed up your iPhone 3G running iOS4 Be sure to read the comments as well. Update: an easier to read version of the same information is at OSX Daily

Backup Regularly

Work laptop suffered catastrophic hard drive crash last night, and like a fool I had not backed up in a few weeks. Moral of the story: back up regularly. Usually I can recover data from a failed drive, but so far this one is not surrendering any bits I care about… All my own machines […]

Xmarks for Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Explorer

I have continued to have stability problems on Safari 5 for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) at work, and diligently reported the problems to Apple, and looked for and found two problems with my configuration and fixed them both. Safari on Snow Leopard continues to crash regularly (though it is very stable on my […]

Ran out of Gas

On the way to work via the gas station Monday morning, I ran out of gas. I knew I was low, but did not think I was that low. The gas engine/generator in my 2006 Prius stopped about 1.4 miles from the planned gas station… I was still rolling, in traffic… I cut the air-conditioner, […]

Safari crashing problem solved

A couple of weeks ago I upgraded Safari on my Macs at home and work to Safari 5; and noticed a sharp decline in stability despite being on a mix of Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6. Well, I am a bit embarrassed to admit that after many days of ranting, it appears that the […]

Frustrated by Car Stereo, Again

I’ve been working on a project to replace the Becker CDR-210 CD Receiver head unit in my wife’s Porsche for a while, and the project keeps running into delays. The Pioneer DEH-P6200BT that we carefully selected was on backorder with Crutchfield for several weeks. When it finally came in, I discovered that the old Becker […]