Why Has No One on Wall Street Gone to Jail (Yet)?
The truth is neither harsh nor forgiving; it simply is. It probably seems quite harsh to those who refuse to live with it or observe it though; I remain unsympathetic. Just the Simple Truth about President Obama’s speech on April 13th, 2011.
Internet Explorer 6 Countdown I guess Microsoft is pretty ashamed of IE6… I join them in wanting to see IE6 go away forever…
Really? Have we learned NOTHING about drilling through one fluid through another? Disgusted. First Deep-Water Drilling Permit Issued Since Spill
Tom Engelhardt of TomDispatch.com rarely disappoints and this Tomgram is particularly poignant: Tomgram: Engelhardt, Washington’s Echo Chamber (Feb 24th, 2011) Freedom is never free, it must be earned, and fought for. It is clear that even after toppling several dictators, the people of Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya have a long struggle ahead of them, but […]
The events going on in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana have nothing to do with state budgets. It is all about busting up the public sector unions and privatizing energy utilities through non-bid auctions to give the Koch brothers monopolies. It is an alliance between Republicans and the filthy rich to exploit everyone else and hang […]
Tagged civics, Politics, power utilities, unionPerhaps Apple ought to call it what it is; a consumer protection surcharge… Frankly, it if could keep me off annoying spam call/catalog/email lists by aggressive marketers like the Metropolitan Museum of New York’s gift shop; I’d be perfectly willing to pay 30% more to hide my identity from them and let me shop for […]
Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war The WMD lies were made up, and the Bush administration knew it in mid-year 2000, and deliberately hid the knowledge and locked their source up so he could not talk until their highly profitable little war and fleecing of the American taxpayer was well underway. Evil, […]
Tagged Bush, foreign policy, Iraq War, Lies, Politics, WMDTwenty years ago today, was the angriest I remember being in my entire life. I was at a friend’s house going over SCA heraldic arms submissions with a friend and our host, when our host’s wife shouted down (we were in the basement) to turn on the news. All channels were broadcasting that the United […]
Tagged warThere are some very interesting developments in the news regarding the Stuxnet virus. I confess that I mostly ignored this virus, like most computer viruses, when it came out as it appeared to impact only computers running the Windows operating system. It turns out I was wrong, it actually uses Windows to spread itself, but […]
Tagged Computer Security, globalism, nuclear weapons, war