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City and Town Elections Tomorrow, May 4th

Clifton, Herndon, Vienna, and apparently Falls Church all have town elections tomorrow, May 4th. Remember to vote if you can.

Clifton, Herndon, and Vienna Elections, May 4th

Just a reminder to voters who live in the towns of Clifton, Herndon, and Vienna that May 4th is your town election day. Be prepared before you go to the polls.

Snow cleared again

I noticed that it had stopped snowing at 3:00pm, and decided to clear the snow from the driveway, fire escape paths, hot tub, and front steps. Either I am getting really good at this or there was less snow, because despite the howling wind (which continues to this moment) I was able to clear everything […]

A new danger to be mindful of

Where I finished school we were all used to keeping an eye out for icicles forming on second story roof lines; and we knew to occasionally open a window and knock them down over an empty sidewalk so they did not fall when people were on the sidewalk. In the greater Washington area I am […]

Crazy Amounts of Snow

We measured 22″ at 8 am this morning, and 27.5″ at 1 pm. It took us three straight hours of shoveling and snow-blowing to clear a path to the hot tub, a fire escape path, and enough driveway for one car to get to the road… which was last plowed about 16″ ago… so we […]

How integrated is the greater Washington area?

One of the things I like best about the greater Washington area is how integrated we are… For years I have been comparing our local stomping grounds favorably to places like Chicago (a lovely city) where the blocks are clearly black or white and even those blocks are clearly one ethnic group or another. Perhaps […]

Before you move that snow…

Take a peek at the weather service forecast for your location over the next several days. If like us, your area is predicted to get daily high temperatures only a few degrees warmer than freezing, you should know that the snow you need to move this morning is going to be sitting wherever you put […]

Disappointed in my Precinct

According to the Verifiable Voting Coalition of Virginia, Virginia law requires that all new voting machines be optical scan tabulators that provide a voter-verified paper audit trail. So why did I have to vote on an unverifiable paperless electronic voting machines, known as DRE? Because our lame legislators have allowed for a very long, gradual […]

Vote Today

If you are able to vote, and you do not; you have no right to complain about the government you get stuck with. Virginia polling stations are open 6am to 7pm today. Don’t chance it, get to the station plenty early.

More job possibilities

A friend has struck out on his own and landed some contracting work, and needs some help. He is brilliant with network gear and security services; and he needs: web content manager web developer systems/network admins (can be new to the field, and willing to learn) project manager (PMP, Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge) […]