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Erci and I are planning on seeing some artist friends at DC’s ARTOMATIC 2009 tonight at the Navy Yard Metro. Nine floors with over 800 artists exhibiting; should be lots of fun. Live music, drinks, good stuff… If you want to join us – shout out soon.

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Used Love Seat, Free to a Good Home

This is a cheap La-Z-Boy brand love seat that has been in our family room for a year or so. The recliner mechanics have failed, so it is love seat only unless you feel like repairing it. Our house has two gentle cats, so if you have allergies to cats you’ll want to steam clean […]

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Marching Through Time

Just spreading the word that this weekend (April 18th and 19th) there will be a living history timeline event at Marietta Mansion (5626 Bell Station Road, Glenn Dale, MD) that is open to the public for a nominal fee ($8/adult, $5/ages 5 & older, FREE/4 & under) from 11am to 5pm both days. A timeline […]

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Special Elections in Fairfax County and Alexandria

Sorry this is such short notice, but for those of you who live in the 46th House of Delegates District (Skyline area of Fairfax County, and Western City of Alexandria), you have a special election tomorrow, January 13th, to replace Delegate Brian Moran who is running for Governor. Your ballot will be: Charniele Herring (D) […]

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