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Steven Levy nails it, again – why are we fighting for the right to privacy again?

Steven Levy has an excellent article about the current attempt to squash privacy and encryption by the FBI and why this all sounds so familiar, it’s because we already had this battle before, twice, in the 1990s… and both times wisdom prevailed. Will it prevail again? Remember the dreaded “Clipper” chip and everyone worrying […]

Election Day in Virginia, November 3rd, 2015

Quick reminder to all those in Virginia; it is election day tomorrow – state and local offices will be holding elections in every district in the state. Don’t forget to go vote. Where do I vote? Virginia State Board of Elections Voting Places What is on my ballot? Virginia State Board of Elections Ballot

If you use “home sharing” do NOT upgrade to iOS 8.4

So, my own fault for not reading the fine print, but one of my favorite features of iOS vanishes with iOS 8.4 – the “home sharing” of music on a single WiFi network. Specifically, iOS 8.4 clients can no longer connect to a shared music library on the local network for Music playback (Video playback […]

Is racism the American Way? Does it have to be?

Wow, the article/essay linked below is powerfully and well written. For what it’s worth, I have always hated “Gone With the Wind” myself, and “Braveheart” too. Yes, you’re a racist… and a traitor. – an essay on by John E. Price Here is another one, also beautifully written, and with the keys to the […]

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HBO Now finally launches!

I have been wishing to subscribe to HBO directly for years, and living without HBO entirely or visiting friends to see the excellent shows without paying for a hugely overpriced bundle of crap from a cable company… and finally HBO Now is available. It launched in Apple’s iTunes App stores earlier today (April 7th, 2015) […]

Damn, the price of success is ugly….

For a very long time Mac OS X was very, very safe. Still no known viruses today, and very little malware, mostly exploiting Java, Flash, or SilverLight. That was due to two huge advantages: 1) a vastly more secure operating system than Microsoft Windows, and 2) a tiny user base not worth targeting with slimy […]

Cold Weather Tips

Oh my it’s cold… Stay warm folks. Keep a towel and blanket and snow shovel in the car. Extra mittens, scarves, and hoods/hats don’t hurt either. This cold, lift your wipers up off the windshield… Plan your trips between car and building carefully before opening the door and making the trip. The long term forecast […]

Typhoon Approaching Okinawa and Kyushu

In the summer of 1987 I was temporarily assigned to Kadena AB, Okinawa from my duty station at Misawa AB, Japan. During that summer a major typhoon hit the island of Okinawa. I will never forget the fury that nature can hurl at a city in the form of a typhoon. The service men and […]

AppleID (aka: iTunes Store) accounts finally get two step authentication

This is a much more secure, if a little more annoying, way to protect your AppleID. Since there is real money involved with your iTunes and App Store purchases now, I strongly recommend you set up two-step authentication on your own AppleID. I recommend you go to and Manage your Account, then take 10 […]

Want to run for Governor of Virginia?

I sense a golden opportunity for 3rd party candidates in Virginia this year; neither Cuccinelli nor McAuliffe excites people in a positive way, they are both reviled and exciting only negatively. The turnout in Virginia’s off-cycle elections is always low, and at it’s lowest the year after a presidential election that has exhausted the voters; […]