Wow it is hot! Heat + humidity = lazy day
Both cats are sleeping, I am trying to cool down from a grueling hot bike ride up Bull Run Mountain and back down. If you are outside for long, be sure to drink plenty of water and wear sunblock.
Both cats are sleeping, I am trying to cool down from a grueling hot bike ride up Bull Run Mountain and back down. If you are outside for long, be sure to drink plenty of water and wear sunblock.
Subject says it! Today was gorgeous. Cool, clear air, lots of sunshine, clean smell to the air. Perfect day to meet neighbors and do a little more bicycle canvassing for the Commonwealth Coalition’s Vote NO campaign on my recumbent. I went out early this afternoon and came in only when it got a bit dusk […]
The weather was so nice that I had to get out on my recumbent to canvass the neighborhood for the Commonwealth Coalition some more. It was a bittersweet day of canvassing. Friday, before heading to York, PA for a wedding I placed “popsicle” yard signs on my own property: one for Judy Feder, and one […]
I’ve been driving the new Prius a lot and in general I love the thing, but I have a first complaint and suggestion. This thing needs a relatively quiet, alternate horn in addition to the normal load one it has for emergencies. Several times now I have nearly run over pedestrians when driving around parking […]
Wow, just when you think you lead an extraordinary and adventurous life, you discover someone else if having even greater adventures. This afternoon the Kojo Nnamdi show on our local PBS affiliate covered the amazing story of Stevie Smith and Jason Lewis and their human powered journey around the world! You can check it all […]