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{ Category Archives } Blogging

WordPress and Akismet Anti-Spam Filter

So I had trouble figuring out how to activate the Akismet filters on my WordPress blog, because I could not find my own API Key – turns out you must register a blog to get that key. This became more important recently because the amount of spam commentary showing up on my blog was […]

MarsEdit or MacJournal or simple browser?

This is an experimental post with MarsEdit 1.1.2. Not sure I like it just yet. I have used MacJournal quite a bit and I like the way I can use it to post to both LiveJournal and WordPress (or Blogger), but it lacks a few features that are available at the admin interfaces on LiveJournal’s […]

Daily Show on Blogs

I love Jon Stewart’s awesome show. Fun segment about blogs. It have to confess, I get about 65% of my news from blogs now as they are faster to publish and have more depth than anything on TV, Radio, and traditional newspapers! Accuracy still needs to be double checked and confirmed, but amazingly – the […]

WordPress vs Blogger

Amazing! WordPress imported my entire Blogger web log in around 25 seconds. I have not been able to get the same themes working in my WordPress blog yet, and I am concerned about backing up the MySQL database behind my new blog (one of the side benefits of publishing in a free service, but pushing […]

Move to DreamHost

Well, after weeks of shopping around and days of fiddling with RedHat 9 and Centos (linux distributions) I decided to host my personal website at DreamHost. They have an excellent deal allowing you to host several domains on one account for only $9.95/month ($7.95/month if you sign up for 2 years), and that includes a […]


This is a first post with Dan Schimpf’s MacJournal to see how it works as a blogging tool. In theory I can blog the same content to both bogger and livejournal from one source. Thanks to Dan Schimpf for writing this tool, and to Anthony Coco for pointing it out to me. One of the […]

Web Site Design

Saady Khan has an informative post over at Spicing it up!!! 😀 – The Rain Machine that lists many ways you can update your own blog’s template and design. Thanks Saady! I added an Atom stream/feed to my blog, and submitted it to the LeftyBlogs web log index hoping to see a little more traffic. […]

Site Design and Veteran’s Day

I continue to wrack up a debt to my good friend Anthony who added more graphical elements and design suggestions for me. My niece, Christina, is now publishing poetry and blogging via blogger – she’s doing it anonymously for the moment. It has been a really nice visit with my Mom, her beau Ralph, and […]

Web Site Design

Decided to revise the blogger template for a prettier design taken from Point of Focus. I am curious what various readers think of it. I know – the comments stopped working (update: they work on new posts, but not old ones), I have to figure out why. My good friend Anthony helped me out by […]

Palm and WiFi

This is a test posting from my Palm Tungsten C using Plogit. If this works I’ll be able to update this blog more often from my PDA.