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Damn! trojan horse link spammers are getting smarter with their targeting

I got an email today that pretended to be from, which of course did not come from Apple at all, it came to my DreamHost account via… It looked like a VERY GOOD copy of the emails that Apple does send out, complete with corporate logos and formatting; and claimed to be a […]

Want to run for Governor of Virginia?

I sense a golden opportunity for 3rd party candidates in Virginia this year; neither Cuccinelli nor McAuliffe excites people in a positive way, they are both reviled and exciting only negatively. The turnout in Virginia’s off-cycle elections is always low, and at it’s lowest the year after a presidential election that has exhausted the voters; […]

New form of Spam?

Looks like some firm is using digital Turk or some other work farming app/site to encourage blog spammers to rave about the Zune… my spam buckets are overflowing this week with pro-Zune comments from individuals who can’t write English, but don’t write alike either… Interesting development. For what it’s worth; my own opinion of the […]

New SSH Keys on Your Server?

I just learned a nifty little trick for updating your SSH keys when a server has changed them on you and you are being warned by ssh of a “man-in-the-middle” attack possibility… ssh-keyscan -t rsa YourDomain.Com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts vi ~/.ssh/known_hosts Delete the older entry – keep the new one. I just had to use this […]

UltraViolet, Vudu, Flixster

I am recently having a little fun playing with Vudu and Flixster interfaces into UltraViolet. The pleasant surprises this week are that the Vudu client is already built into both my LG 47LV5500-UA TV (Family Room) and my Panasonic DMP-BD85 Blu-Ray player (Basement Rec Room) – and that means we can play the few UltraViolet […]

Political Apathy is Shameful

If you find yourself tired of the political discussion held in public, remember that without the public discussion we no longer have a democracy nor even a republic. Participate, take responsibility, vote. Freedom is not a gift, it is a grave responsibility. Take it seriously people, and please do not become complacent nor subscribe to […]

Don’t enter your iOS UUID into a WebForm

This morning’s news reveals a story about how an FBI Agent’s Laptop was hacked into using a malicious java script exploit, and that a file of millions of iOS device users personal data was stolen from the hacked FBI laptop. Interestingly, perhaps even predictably, and irrationally; several websites have sprung up offering to compare the […]

Microsoft Messenger for Mac

I am trying to use Microsoft Messenger for Mac 6.0.3 talking only to the corporate accounts, and it frequently will only let me log in but appear offline… I can’t send nor get new messages until I can get it to report online, but clicking the menu items and buttons to go online does nothing. […]

Frustrations with unneeded iOS app upgrades

Most of the time the iOS application ecosystem works exactly the way you want it to. I back up my iPhone daily and my iPad weekly by plugging them into my laptop and frequently update all Apps that I have already “purchased” (mostly they are free) and everything is pretty current and generally works great. […]

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Pretty video, hauntingly beaufitul song

Please take a few minutes to enjoy this, it just might make your day a little happier…