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Mountville Folk Festival was magical

Last night our neighbors and friends invited to join them at the Mountville Folk Festival which they hosted on the lawn near their house in Aldie, Virginia. It was a magical evening with many folk, rock, and jazz musicians playing live on a beautiful lawn under a beautiful moon with kids dancing and playing around […]

16GB iPhone 3G for sale

Yesterday my beloved stood in line to get us both iPhone 4 replacements for our old iPhone 3G devices. We will be selling them. Mine has a defect with the vibrate only mode switch that makes it vibrate randomly when the switch is set to vibrate only (silent ring). Aside from that, both work well […]

Darn, our 16 port switch died…

A few years ago we upgraded our wired network at home to do Gigabit Ethernet throughout the house, an upgrade I have loved since the day we did it. We used a Netgear ProSafe 16 Port Gigabit Switch (GS116 v1) as the main switch in our wiring closet, and D-Link “Green” DGS-2205 and DGS-2208 gigabit […]


Nongkran Daks on Kojo Namdi show with recipes!

One of our favorite Thai restaurants is Thai Basil in Chantilly, Virginia. Erci has been taking cooking classes from Chef Nongkran Daks, and the food is spectacular. For those of you who might like this Kojo Namdi had Chef Daks on his show a few days ago. WAMU (the local NPR affiliate) does not keep […]


Gah, more illegal robocalls

The Spanish language robo-callers found my cell phone number again (and I changed numbers to avoid these bastards). The message sounds the same… beginning with “Attention!” – and then kicking into whatever pitch with no identification, no chance to tell them to go to hell, complete disregard to my number being on the Do-Not-Call list […]

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New AT&T Pricing for Data Plans

I think John Gruber has an excellent analysis up of the new pricing plans coming out of AT&T. AT&T’s decision to charge more for tethering without giving more bandwidth is unsustainable and it should be called a “$20 bullshit fee” just as Gruber suggests. The market will demand a fix to the $20 bullshit […]

Rodrigo y Gabriela @ Filene Center in Wolf Trap, August 24th

I am excited that Rodrigo y Gabriela are touring their 11:11 album/show at Wolf Trap’s Filene Center on August 24th, tickets are $25 for lawn or $40 for house seats. We got to stand pretty close in Baltimore last year, so I am content to do lawn seats and pray for good weather, and we […]

Lots of walking

Friday night we met up Judy and Mike at Gordon Biercsh at 9th and F in DC, then walked over to the Lansburgh Theatre to see Carol and The Liar (which is very funny and very well done). We tried Co Co Sala after the play and indulged in chocolate and coffee way too late. […]


Cirque du Soleil in September

My brilliant and sexy bride has scored a batch of tickets to Cirque du Soleil: OVO for the September 11th show. She rocks. OVO is all about bugs… could be interesting. I have loved every Cirque show we’ve gone to, and never regretted the ticket price, even proportionally… and I am a stingy man. I […]

Weekend in New York with La Belle Compagnie

We had a lovely weekend museum hopping in New York with La Belle Compagnie and enjoying the hospitality and cooking of Deb and Steve. The museum hopping started at The Morgan Library and Museum where we got to see a Magna Carta on display. We spent a lot of time perusing the digital archive of […]

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