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Shorter Commute due to Three Edged Sword

Three Edged Sword, a fan fiction audio drama based on Babylon 5, has been making my daily commute seem much shorter. If you like Babylon 5 and enjoy a decent audio drama, it is available free as a podcast from Voices of Babylon.

Vacation in Portland, Oregon

Erci and I continued to have a lot of fun on our recent vacation to Seattle, Portland, and Cupertino. Portland details after the jump…

Seattle Vacation

Erci and I had a lot of fun on our recent vacation to Seattle, Portland, and Cupertino. Seattle details after the jump…

Happy Buy Nothing Day!

Now, do something fun with your loved ones, like visit a park, museum, or just stay home and talk to each other.

Weekend in Baltimore

Erci and went to Baltimore for a little weekend get-away this to see Rodrigo y Gabriela in concert and to have some time to ourselves. We stayed at Brookshire Suites in the Inner Harbor area (small, but clean with excellent service) and used their complimentary shuttle service to get over to Fells Point for dinner […]

Fantastic weekend

This weekend was going to be a living history public show at Colonial Plantation in Media, Pennsylvania with La Belle Compagnie, but the wise event coordinators cancelled/postponed the show given the inclement weather. Many members of La Belle gathered at our home instead, where we could talk, work on projects, eat all the food that […]

Funny Politics

I love this generalization: “Democrats protest the use of taxes to kill people, Republicans protest the use of taxes to save people.” Hat tip to Waldo.

Heads Up Babylon5 Fans

I have been listening to old The Babylon Podcast episodes on my commute to work, slowly catching up and through them I discovered a really good fan-fiction audiodrama set in the Babylon5 universe during the succession of Earth colonies and Babylon5 from Earth Alliance. The audio drama is called “Three Edged Sword” in honor of […]

Aerostats / Robotics

I have always been fascinated by aerostats, particularly rigid airships such as those manufactured by Zeppelin. Robotics has also been an interest too; and that makes these videos of Festo AG’s floating art particularly riveting. Air Penguins Air Ray Air Jellyfish Hat tip to Will for pointing these mesmerizing videos out.

John Hodgman at the 2009 Radio and TV Correspondents’ Dinner

By Crom that John Hodgman is a funny guy! Hat tip to mindflayer… perhaps it’s Obama’s geek credentials that attracted my sysadmin friends to his campaign….