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{ Category Archives } Virginia Politics

Harris Miller for Senate

Last night my lovely wife and I visited the Sunday Supper Club to hear Harris Miller (who is seeking the Democratic nomination to run against George Allen this fall for U.S. Senate). As many of you know Harris Miller will have to face off against James Webb (former Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan […]

Judy Feder for Congress

Erci and I attended the Judy Feder fundraiser over at Bruce and Beth Roemmelt‘s lovely home on Bull Run Mountain last night. We very much wanted to hear what Judy had to say about her campaign to become the U.S. Congress representative from Virginia’s 10th District. This was the first time we’ve heard her speak, […]

Check out your candidates!

Erci and I plan to go hear three (at least) different candidates in May to find out who we are supporting in the Fall elections for US Congress and US Senate from Virginia. So here are a few opportunities we know about: May 12th – Judy Feder will be speaking at a small fund-raiser at […]

2006 General Elections Warming Up

The past several days have been exciting here in Virginia, at least for those of us following and planning to work in U.S. Senate and Congressional Election campaigns. Two days ago the races for Senator George Allen’s seat heated up as James Webb announced he would be will seek the Democratic nomination. Today I found […]

Reason Prevails in Virginia’s 33rd

I had to resort to blogs for my news because the so-called mainstream media simply are not covering this, not even the local stations for our local state senate race (they should have their broadcasting rights pulled, they are not doing their duty that comes from getting a slice of the public’s airwaves). As usual, […]

Progressives of Northern Virginia

If you live anywhere near the 33rd Virginia State Senate district, please lend a hand to candidate Mark Herring and vote for him on Tuesday, January 31st. Mark Herring (former Leesburg supervisor) is running against Mick Staton (Loudon County Board of Supervisors). Mick Staton has been refusing to debate Mark Herring in anything approaching an […]

Where are our delegate’s priorities?

So in their first days in session for the new year, Virginia’s legislature decided to prioritize new bills to address Virginia’s biggest problems first, right? Wrong. Instead our elected law makers spent the a day debating the merits of amending our state constitution to ban gay marriage. Why? Gay marriage is already illegal. Do we […]


Folks, we have until April 14th, 2006 to file in the State of Virginia to be considered a candidate for U.S. Congress in the 2006 general election. So far, according to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, no one has filed (yet) to run against incumbent Republican Frank Wolf in the 10th district. Will someone please […]


It has been a fabulous experience working so hard on the Bruce Roemmelt campaign for the past 6 months. My only regret is that I did not discover Bruce’s candidacy earlier and work that much more. We got close, very close for a first time challenger running against a 13 year incumbent in a district […]


Words cannot adequately display how disgusted I am with Virginia Delegates Bob Marshall and Dick Black. I just saw a commercial on Newschannel8 paid for by the Delegate Black campaign where he took credit for road improvements that he voted against. This is exactly the same pattern the Delegate Marshall campaign has taken; taking credit […]