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{ Category Archives } Virginia Politics

A friend makes the news

Howard is a very good friend of mine and he is going through some challenges establishing his Massage Therapy business in Manassas. Turns out bigotry has reared it’s ugly head in old town Manassas. He made the the news, first in the Manassas City Journal, and now the Washington Post. Sadly the Post’s article (Monday, […]

Campaign Signs and Virginia Law

Craig has started an interesting discussion about the legality and ethics of those campaign signs that popup every year (sometimes twice a year for primary elections) and always seem to take too long after an election to disappear. He cited the portions of the state legal code (33.1-369) that apply here in Virginia, we think… […]

Pandak Fundraiser

I just got back from a fundraiser for Sharon Pandak hosted by Beth and Bruce Roemmelt. Food was very good, the people were awesome, Sam (the Airedale Terrier) was his usual curious self, and Sharon spoke eloquently about the issues she expects the board of county supervisors will face. The Washington Post got it right; […]

Another Gorgeous Day for Bicycle Canvassing

Subject says it! Today was gorgeous. Cool, clear air, lots of sunshine, clean smell to the air. Perfect day to meet neighbors and do a little more bicycle canvassing for the Commonwealth Coalition’s Vote NO campaign on my recumbent. I went out early this afternoon and came in only when it got a bit dusk […]

Prince William County Bond Issues

What do residents of Prince William County think of the three bond issues that will be on our 2006 ballots? The full text of all three is published on the county website. QUESTION #1 ROAD IMPROVEMENT BONDS Shall Prince William County, Virginia, contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the […]

League of Women Voters Debate

The League of Women Voters is hosting a debate between the four candidates for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District on Tuesday, October 17th from 7 to 9 pm at the Dulles Hyatt (off route 28 near Dulles Airport). Their flyer is online here (PDF format). Nod to Kenton Ngo for first posting about this on his […]

Beautiful Day for Bicycle Canvassing

The weather was so nice that I had to get out on my recumbent to canvass the neighborhood for the Commonwealth Coalition some more. It was a bittersweet day of canvassing. Friday, before heading to York, PA for a wedding I placed “popsicle” yard signs on my own property: one for Judy Feder, and one […]

Election Information Updated

I’ve updated my non-partisan Virginia 2006 Election Information page at with new information about Loudon and Fairfax County Bond issues and Ballot Questions. Please inform yourselves before you vote. I am still seeking information about State Ballot Question #3: Shall Section 6 of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to authorize […]

Canvassing Makes a Difference

Saturday I went out and canvassed for Judy Feder and Jim Webb. I worked with Ted, who is just coming back to activism from many years of hiding out because he was concerned that nothing makes a difference in a state as one-sided as Virginia has been. He’s a likable fellow, but I think the […]

Penn and Teller: Bullshit!

Penn and Teller had a fabulous show on Showtime a few years back where they tackled various urban myths or controversial subjects and put the facts up on their shows. Sort of like Mythbusters, but less focused on gadgets and free to use profanity and nudity because it aired on Showtime instead of open Cable. […]