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Maryland Police foil terrorism attempt!

Kudos to the local police in Maryland for foiling this domestic terrorism attempt. Wonder if George will elevate the threat condition to Orange or something to scare up some election support and/or distract us from Iraq, the budget, the environment, the fleecing of the taxpayers…

Google Broken?

So this morning, all my attempts to use google are returning the strangest error, as if I were a spammer or hacker program trying to harvest their site for information. The message reads: “We’re sorry… … but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, […]

Shrub the Lessor

My cousin Kyle sent me this awesome Presidential Confession which is floating around the email chain letter style lists at his university, and I just had to publish it. It is an mock confession from our mock president, but it really makes you think about what Shrub the lessor has done for our country. Think […]

Virginia Vineyards

On Saturday, October 25th, we took my brother, his girlfriend, and my mother out to Stillhouse Vineyards in Hume, Virginia, to taste a little wine and see the Autumn foliage. The foliage was disappointing, but the Cabernet Franc was awesome. I normally dislike Chardonnay, but Stillhouse and Naked Mountain both have Chardonnay wines that are […]

Politics: A People’s History of the United States

According to Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States the following quote can be attributed to Gustavus Myers’ History of the Great American Fortunes: The whole institution of Law saw nothing out of the way in these conditions, and very significantly so, because, to repeat over and over again, Law did not represent […]