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Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010, Arlington

This is for all you Firefly and Serenity fans out there. Erci and I are definitely going to this year’s Can’t Stop the Serenity, probably only one of the two days. Location: Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse (South Arlington – 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington VA) Friday night the 25th or Saturday the 26th… Friday Jun 25 […]


We’ve been gardening this Spring, and have potatoes, tomatoes, a variety of basil and lettuce, cilantro, onions, thyme, rosemary, eggplant, squash, corn, fennel, spinach, and oregano put in already. The fig tree appears to be doing well.

Personal Computing History

My first computer experiences where through printer/terminals to mainframe computers. A Multics system at Rome Labs that we got access to as members of the local Explorer Post; and a DEC-10 running TOPS-20 at Syracuse University. The common language on both was UCI Common LISP 2.0 – and LISP may have permanently warped my programming […]

Vintage Ruby iMac G3/400 repair project

I have a niece who has inherited an old Ruby iMac G3/400 (new in the Summer of 2000) with a broken handle and CD-ROM only (rather than the preferred DVD-ROM). Lowendmac and Everymac have been very helpful in guiding me through the how to cheaply max out the capabilities of this old machine. I do […]

Yahoo Spam

So, like everyone else, I have been getting a lot of SPAM emails and malicious web link emails allegedly from friends who are users of Yahoo’s free email service. It turns out that the email is not from those friends (of course), and their Windows PCs are probably not infected with a virus as most […]

Expanding Mac Mini Disk through iSCSI and big cheap drives

We use a Mac Mini with OS X 10.5 to serve our whole house with music, movies, television shows, and photographs. The Mini is perpetually out of disk space because it only has room for one 2.5″ internal hard drive (two if you remove the optical drive) and those notebook hard drives have smaller capacities, […]

Snow cleared again

I noticed that it had stopped snowing at 3:00pm, and decided to clear the snow from the driveway, fire escape paths, hot tub, and front steps. Either I am getting really good at this or there was less snow, because despite the howling wind (which continues to this moment) I was able to clear everything […]

Crazy Amounts of Snow

We measured 22″ at 8 am this morning, and 27.5″ at 1 pm. It took us three straight hours of shoveling and snow-blowing to clear a path to the hot tub, a fire escape path, and enough driveway for one car to get to the road… which was last plowed about 16″ ago… so we […]

Fed up with Flash crashing my web browsers

I am tired of Flash content crashing my web browsers, so I installed ClickToFlash in my Safari (has to be done in each user account) and FlashBlock plugin in my Firefox (has to be done in Firefox for each user account). Now I can play Flash when I want to, not whenever a website decides […]

Looking for work

The contract I have been working on is drawing to a close with the successful launch of a new corporate website for the client. So I am looking for work and available in February for a new Linux/UNIX Systems Administrator position or contract.