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Nongkran Daks on Kojo Namdi show with recipes!

One of our favorite Thai restaurants is Thai Basil in Chantilly, Virginia. Erci has been taking cooking classes from Chef Nongkran Daks, and the food is spectacular. For those of you who might like this Kojo Namdi had Chef Daks on his show a few days ago. WAMU (the local NPR affiliate) does not keep […]


Lots of walking

Friday night we met up Judy and Mike at Gordon Biercsh at 9th and F in DC, then walked over to the Lansburgh Theatre to see Carol and The Liar (which is very funny and very well done). We tried Co Co Sala after the play and indulged in chocolate and coffee way too late. […]


Cirque du Soleil in September

My brilliant and sexy bride has scored a batch of tickets to Cirque du Soleil: OVO for the September 11th show. She rocks. OVO is all about bugs… could be interesting. I have loved every Cirque show we’ve gone to, and never regretted the ticket price, even proportionally… and I am a stingy man. I […]

Weekend in New York with La Belle Compagnie

We had a lovely weekend museum hopping in New York with La Belle Compagnie and enjoying the hospitality and cooking of Deb and Steve. The museum hopping started at The Morgan Library and Museum where we got to see a Magna Carta on display. We spent a lot of time perusing the digital archive of […]

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Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010, Arlington

This is for all you Firefly and Serenity fans out there. Erci and I are definitely going to this year’s Can’t Stop the Serenity, probably only one of the two days. Location: Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse (South Arlington – 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington VA) Friday night the 25th or Saturday the 26th… Friday Jun 25 […]

Apple iPad canvas thoughts

OK, I confess I was wrong about the Apple iPad canvas. I thought it would be a laptop and netbook replacement only for the non-technical majority… internet and content consumers. I figured it would be a very sleek and sexy design, I anticipated that people would want them, and I figured out that once the […]

Personal Computing History

My first computer experiences where through printer/terminals to mainframe computers. A Multics system at Rome Labs that we got access to as members of the local Explorer Post; and a DEC-10 running TOPS-20 at Syracuse University. The common language on both was UCI Common LISP 2.0 – and LISP may have permanently warped my programming […]

AppleTV update 3.0.2 and XBMC, Boxee, ssh

A few days ago I noticed that Apple had released update 3.0.2 for AppleTV and I managed to get in front of the new update. I upgraded my AppleTV to v3.0.2 (which wiped my XBMC, Boxee, and ssh hacks as usual). So I downloaded the 3.0.2 update image directly to my laptop: I snagged […]

Crazy Amounts of Snow

We measured 22″ at 8 am this morning, and 27.5″ at 1 pm. It took us three straight hours of shoveling and snow-blowing to clear a path to the hot tub, a fire escape path, and enough driveway for one car to get to the road… which was last plowed about 16″ ago… so we […]

Impressive film for $300 budget!

Ataque de Pánico! (Panic Attack!) 2009 Fede Alvarez tells a little about how he made the short film: They look like Mechforce Marauders to me… but perhaps I played a little too much of Ralph Reed’s excellent Amiga game in the early 1990s…