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Netflix Rate Hike Annoys a Lot of People

CNN story on Netflix Rate Hike at CNET: Angry Netflix subscribers–so, who has a better deal? Take a look at this CNET poll on how angry Netflix customers intend to react to the rate hikes, note the Firefly reference:

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Trip to Rome, Italy (May 15-22)

May 15th: The train from Naples was pretty uneventful, and the countryside is beautiful. Raining in Rome, cab to hotel was cramped, but only 25 Euros including our bags. Wait a second, for the less than 1 mile trip, that’s pretty extortionate pricing… but it was raining… Hotel Solis is quaint… meaning 1968 called and […]


Trip to Sorrento, Italy (May 9-15)

Sorry it has taken so long to publish the second installment of the Italy trip, work has been pretty challenging for a solid month and is finally getting tamed down again. Our train from Venice to Rome was full of American tourists and honeymooners from Venice to Florence; then became less crowded approaching Rome where […]

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Good wines tasted last night

So I don’t forget the real pleasures of last night: Valminor Albarino is a crisp, clean, refreshing white – perfect for seafood Pearmund Viognier is fruity, with a beautiful nose and lovely notes to go with spicy fish, chicken or sausage… yum! Montes Purple Angel from Chile was a delightful full bodied red surprise; really […]

Trip to Venice, Italy (May 5-9)

May 5th: Wow, British Airways owned Boeing 777 planes are amazingly quiet; you can actually have a normal conversation and I did not need my canalphones to block out the noise of the jet engines. The seats seemed a little wider too; perhaps 19″ wide instead of 17″ – and that two inches makes a […]


No-Carb Noodles

I have had occasion to taste both these types of noodles. I am unsure of all their claims, but I can vouch for them both being quite tasty. nOoodle Miracle Noodle Yum!

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Unboxing Porn

If you are a Firefly fan and you would be interested in a costumed shindig, perhaps in June or July, please send me an email with the email address you would like the invite to be sent to. Please title the email “Shinding, Yes Please” and I will get you on the list. My […]

Shindig (for Firefly fans)

If you are a Firefly fan and you would be interested in a costumed shindig, perhaps in June or July, please send me an email with the email address you would like the invite to be sent to. Please title the email “Shinding, Yes Please” and I will get you on the list. My […]

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Buh-bye IE6

Internet Explorer 6 Countdown I guess Microsoft is pretty ashamed of IE6… I join them in wanting to see IE6 go away forever…

Oscar night at Evo Bistro

While we were loving the delicious anniversary dinner at Evo Bistro last night, and stunned at how quiet and empty it was; we asked wait staff why, and they guessed Oscar night.  We replied: “oh was that happening now?”  Cool.   I would like to thank the academy for a lovely, romantic, quiet night at […]