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Unboxing Porn

If you are a Firefly fan and you would be interested in a costumed shindig, perhaps in June or July, please send me an email with the email address you would like the invite to be sent to. Please title the email “Shinding, Yes Please” and I will get you on the list. My address is the correct one to use.

This is a repeat message for those who missed a similar one last month; I already have several people on the list.

Shiny Unboxing Porn…

UPS delivered a cardboard box from QMx yesterday, inside was this crate:

There papers just inside the crate, and an identification plate signed by a BDH:

The un-boxing of Serenity:

The Big Damned Replica:

If the pictures look tiny, I am sorry – there is some strange behavior where some WebKit browsers and IE cannot understand width percentage arguments to image tags in plain old HTML. I am trying to figure it out so it works in all browsers; but it looks fine in Firefox and Camino now.

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