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{ Category Archives } Computer Security

Yahoo Spam

So, like everyone else, I have been getting a lot of SPAM emails and malicious web link emails allegedly from friends who are users of Yahoo’s free email service. It turns out that the email is not from those friends (of course), and their Windows PCs are probably not infected with a virus as most […]

Yahoo mail account and Windows PC leads to Pwnage

I am getting a lot of spam from the free Yahoo email accounts of friends who are Windows users. I think there is some sort of virus/trojan-horse going around on Windows that hijacks Yahoo accounts and sends out unsolicited commercial email, fraudulently masquerading as my friends (which means it gets through spam filters). If you […]

Fed up with Flash crashing my web browsers

I am tired of Flash content crashing my web browsers, so I installed ClickToFlash in my Safari (has to be done in each user account) and FlashBlock plugin in my Firefox (has to be done in Firefox for each user account). Now I can play Flash when I want to, not whenever a website decides […]

10 days of mind numbing comment spam attack

LJ and bloggers should be happy with their blogging service right now – for those excellent hosted services are hiding one of the longest steady comment spam attacks I’ve seen from you and your readers. Thank them (your hosted blog service provider), for this is annoying at the service level. My personal WordPress blog […]

Recommends Against AppleTV

Sorry Apple, I am disgusted that a device I bought and paid for forces upgrades that I do not want. This is the third time an upgrade has been applied automatically before I allowed it, before I was ready, and before the software that I added has been ready for the new version. I paid […]

Fake Steve nails it, again

I am not a fan of Mike Arrington; his babble in TechCrunch is often wrong; but he is doing investigative journalism here and digging to find out more details about why playing games on Facebook and MySpace can be hazardous. That the NY Times failed to even mention that there are serious concerns in their […]

More job possibilities

A friend has struck out on his own and landed some contracting work, and needs some help. He is brilliant with network gear and security services; and he needs: web content manager web developer systems/network admins (can be new to the field, and willing to learn) project manager (PMP, Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge) […]

Gah – turns out the websites are infected

All my html and php files on,,, and have had the following bogus HTML code added to the files: (I hand recast the real greater than and less than signs so it would not execute) That means the malware somehow got shell access to my web servers on Dreamhost; I can […]

Safari Browser User Settings Cracked

Pre-emptive Update: Turns out my assumptions were all wrong and this entire post is incorrect. Safari on both my laptop and iPhone are fine; hackers found an old WordPress blog on my website that I stopped caring about and updating, and used it to infiltrate the site and related websites. Deprecated material: Moral of the […]

Elections Rigged?

For all of you who thought I was crazy for harping on the possibility that voting machines were rigged to skew an election one way or another… uh… I damn well told you so! Basically this proves that the logical check sum that most election processes in the United States require is simply not […]