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Re-Districting has put me into HoD 87?

I am having a hell of a lot of trouble finding out anything about November’s Virginia-wide general elections, including what Districts I am in now that the 2010 Census has been used to re-district all the lines in the state. It looks like I am now in House of Delegates District 87 (used to be […]

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Netflix Price Hike, Analysis

Finally some real analysis of why Netflix has announced rate hikes. I am solidly in the long-tail camp, as all the “top-500” stuff is easy to get a variety of other ways; but Netflix is pretty much the only game in town for really old, really small budget, or really esoteric films. The Netflix Price […]

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Netflix Rate Hike Annoys a Lot of People

CNN story on Netflix Rate Hike at CNET: Angry Netflix subscribers–so, who has a better deal? Take a look at this CNET poll on how angry Netflix customers intend to react to the rate hikes, note the Firefly reference:

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Odd – no candidates for November’s election?

The next major election in Virginia is this November where we get to vote for state legislature and local politicians… This morning the State Board of Elections website says there are “No Qualified Candidates” for any of the offices in my county, that’s a little surprising this close to the election. State Board of Elections […]


469 reasons why Facebook sucks is a list of 468 reasons why I find Facebook annoying. I add more all the time. That is a list of all the applications I have blocked in the last year so they stop pestering me through my live feed. The additional one, is a Facebook internal one called Questions which is doubly […]

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Spam on the rise again, damn

Well it was a lovely Spring, with reduced SPAM on both email and blog comments, but that appears to be over and spam has skyrocketed once again. Groan.

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Trip to Rome, Italy (May 15-22)

May 15th: The train from Naples was pretty uneventful, and the countryside is beautiful. Raining in Rome, cab to hotel was cramped, but only 25 Euros including our bags. Wait a second, for the less than 1 mile trip, that’s pretty extortionate pricing… but it was raining… Hotel Solis is quaint… meaning 1968 called and […]


Trip to Sorrento, Italy (May 9-15)

Sorry it has taken so long to publish the second installment of the Italy trip, work has been pretty challenging for a solid month and is finally getting tamed down again. Our train from Venice to Rome was full of American tourists and honeymooners from Venice to Florence; then became less crowded approaching Rome where […]

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Looking for ISP other than Comcast

Damn – looks like Roadstar Internet only works if you can see the Blue Ridge Mountains… That may work for a lot of people, but we’d be in the shadow of Bull Run Mountain Another option might be: Not quite as fast as Comcast; and prices are no better, but they must have […]

Tricking iCal into Next 7 Day view

Found an undocumented “feature” of iCal – it is possible to get it to behave correctly by setting iCal/Preferences/General as follows: Days per week: 7 Start week on: Wednesday Scroll in week view by: Days What is interesting is that this does NOT do what you would think, it actually does The Right Thing(tm) and […]
