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Voting and Meeting Bruce Roemmelt

This morning Erci and I went to vote in Virginia’s primary elections and we ran into Bruce Roemmelt, who is running for State Assembly district 13 this November. I have been very excited to meet Bruce since I first discovered he was running against our current delegate (a completely useless man), and that for the first time in years we’d actually have a choice in the general elections for this one office.

If you live anywhere near the 13th district (South-central Loudon County and the Northern half of Prince William County excluding Manassas itself) you should sit up and take notice. Spend a little time to figure out what your current delegate has been spending his time and energy doing in the state legislature, and ask yourself if it is worthwhile. His voting record and the bills he introduced are all a matter of public record.
I think it would be hard to find a more embarassing resume anywhere than the record of what the state assembly has done in the past two years. Compare that record, specifically the laws sponsored by your delegate, to the issues that Bruce Roemmelt claims to have taken to heart; then vote your conscience.

Bruce’s campaign website is and Bruce and his campaign workers maintain an informative and entertaining blog of their efforts at Check it out and see why I am so excited about the possibility for change.

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