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{ Category Archives } Virginia Politics


Campaign financing scandal alert! The Bob McDonnell campaign has been getting huge donations from the RLSC. The RLSC is not revealing who, in turn, it’s own doners are until well after the Virginia Election is over. This violates the intent, if not the letter of Virginia’s laws requiring full and solid disclosures of all contributions […]


In case anyone still had doubts that the recent Kilgore advertizing blitz was nothing but a pack of lies, has a detailed exposure of the facts here. Basically it is nothing but a smear campaign. Tim Kaine would use the death penalty to enforce the law, even though he has misgivings about it. The […]

Politics and Hypocrisy

About two weeks ago a brochure arrived in my mailbox from a political candidate. This brochure made me very mad because of the very misleading statements sprinkled all over it. I have been speechless because I was so angry I wanted to settle down before posting about it, and someone far more eloquent than myself […]


So the Virginia State General Election is only a month away. This week is the deadline to register to vote for this election (so if you are not registered, register right now). It is astonishing to me that Jerry “the crook” Kilgore has been able to keep up with Tim Kaine this long. In any […]


Sorry for so many political entries lately, but with only 55 days left until the Virginia State General Elections, I feel it is critical to convey some information. If you have not yet registered to vote, you only have until October 7th to do so! The election is November 8th. Virginians will be electing new […]


The Prince William County Committee of 100 is hosting debates between candidates for two House of Delegates districts, the 13th and the 50th, on Thursday, September 22nd, from 6:30pm until it ends. There is a $20 for dinner (served at 7pm) and I am trying to find out if there is a charge for just […]

Politics and Crime

When will voters in this country wake up to the tight relationship between the Republican party and criminals?The Republican National Committee is paying for the legal defense of James Tobin (more that $722,000 to date!!!). Tobin has been indicted for suppressing voter turnout and using auto-dialers to block get out the vote efforts. He is […]

Unusual Voter Issues

So I was helping out with the Bruce Roemmelt campaign again last night and the subject of what issues matter to the voters came up. It quickly became apparent that I am very unusual amongst voters in our district 13 (Northern Virginia) in that my three biggest issues for the Virginia State government are: Ensuring […]

Roemmelt for Delegate

Last night Erci and I went over to Virginia Assembly candidate Bruce Roemmelt‘s house to help with his campaign. Last night this meant stuffing envelopes, and sorting bulk mail. Reminded us of newsletter production back in our Society for Creative Anachronism days. The crew at Bruce and Beth and Sam’s house are really nice; a […]

Voting and Meeting Bruce Roemmelt

This morning Erci and I went to vote in Virginia’s primary elections and we ran into Bruce Roemmelt, who is running for State Assembly district 13 this November. I have been very excited to meet Bruce since I first discovered he was running against our current delegate (a completely useless man), and that for the […]