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{ Category Archives } Reading

Kite Runner is excellent reading

I just finished reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and it is excellent reading and really grabs the reader emotionally. Highly recommended. The graphic details will transport you to Afghanistan and then the Bay Area, and the events are captivating and disturbing. They challenge the reader to think about their own reactions to life’s […]

Busy Holiday Season

With all the holiday party action, new jobs, and planning/prepping for Yuletide Ball Championships; I am afraid I have been lax in updating. Here is a batch mode update… This morning I had an unexpected adventure, just as I was finishing breakfast and feeding the fish, I discovered that my 30 gallon marine aquarium was […]

Library Thing

Just added a Library Thing widget to my sidebar. It’s disturbing how easy to use Library Thing and Delicious Library are, and how they integrate together. Enjoy. I am reading Valis now, and thoroughly enjoyed The Artificial Kid (thanks Ant). I just watched V for Vendetta, awesomely riveting. Much better than I had hoped.

October 4th

Personal: Today is my mother’s birthday, and I was able to call her but unable to talk a lot because I have a very sore throat. I am extraordinarily fortunate to have a mother with whom I am very close. She is someone I can talk to, someone I love, someone I respect enormously. She […]