The capture of Saddam Hussein is a victory for the Iraqi people and a victory for American Corporate Adventurism, but it is not a victory for the American people. Mr. Bush will try to pretend that it is a victory in the alleged “War on Terrorism” and that American’s will be safer somehow, but that pretense fails to acknowledge that Saddam had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks of 2001 and that Bush’s “War on Terrorism” is more appropriately called a War of Terrorism and Exploitation wherein American Defense Contractors and Arms Manufacturers are fleecing the American taxpayer wholesale.
Go ahead and cheer for the capture of a brutal tyrant, but do not give undue credit to Mr. Bush; for he represents (very shrewdly and very meticulously) exactly the sorts of people who helped put Saddam in power and keep him there for years and years and years. Lets all hope that the Iraqi people can try Saddam in their own courts with full public access. I doubt the American adventurers will allow that to happen, but the people of Iraq deserve at least that much. Let’s also pray that Mr. Bush does not lose focus on the real terrorism that is still out there: his own, and that of Osama bin Laden. Let us also pray that Mr. Bush finally decides to open up full participation in the rebuilding of Iraq to all of the international community.
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