Craig has started an interesting discussion about the legality and ethics of those campaign signs that popup every year (sometimes twice a year for primary elections) and always seem to take too long after an election to disappear.
He cited the portions of the state legal code (33.1-369) that apply here in Virginia, we think… I am no lawyer, but I’ve read it a couple of times and I am not sure we have the right section. I am really interested in knowing though – so if you are a lawyer I’d love to hear your thoughts about wether this section of the code applies to the campaign signs and for everyone wether there is another section of state, county, or city law that applies.
It may help to see the definitions of the terms listed in that section, they are here (33.1-351). There’s a comprehensive list of exemptions (signs that are specifically allowed) here (33.1-355). Political signs are not specifically mentioned, but several similar signs are.
Aside from the legality of these signs, there are some common sense safety and ethical issues too. Safety is at risk when any signs block view of oncoming or around the corner traffic. When safety is at risk I have no problem with pulling those signs down. Ethically it is wrong to not pick up signs after they are done serving their purpose and possibly wrong to put them up in the first place, but both pale in comparison to those who place wire-framed signs then later pick up only the coverings and leave the wire frame (which is very hard to see with no sign on it) for the county, city, or state mowers to run over with their machines. It’s unsafe and damages the mowing equipment.
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