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Prince William County Democratic Caucus and Jeanette Rishell Fundraiser

Today was a good day. I went to the Prince William County Democratic Caucus to vote for Sharon Pandak, but arrived to late to get certified to vote, damned traffic along I-66 and PWC Parkway. Sharon Pandak won by a wide margin anyway, all but two districts (Gainesville and Woodbridge went for Gary Friedman). Now Sharon will face off against Corey Stewart in the November election.

There were 211 voting delegates, and probably 220 people in the standing room only auditorium. It was fun seeing so many fellow activists all gathered together. I’d intended to try canvassing with the Commonwealth Coalition, but the caucus continued until 2:00 pm, and the canvassing was scheduled to end then.

Later I hooked up with Erci and we went to the Jeanette Rishell Fundraiser at the Roemmelt’s home. We got to hear Delegate Brian Moran speak. We met Howling Latina, James Martin, and saw Kenton Ngo and Greg Bouchillon again. It was a lot of fun, and the food was awesome. Change is in the wind and it’ll be nice to be in a Virginia that is finally catching up with the 21st century when all these excellent progressives win in November!

If you live in Prince William County, get on the newly re-designed website and find out what is going on.

Prince William County Democrats
The Commonwealth Coalition

Update: is a information-only, non-partisan guide to the 2006 Virginia Election races.

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