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{ Category Archives } Virginia Politics

Why is the 2007 Virginia Election critical?

Hat tip to Howling Latina for pointing out this article in the Washington Post: Post Editorial about this election This election is perhaps the most important election to Northern Virginians in 15 years. Far more important than congressional and even presidential elections because this year, the control of the state legislature is at stake, and […]

If you vote in Loudon County, this article raises very interesting questions

I do not live in Loudon, but I know lots of people do. I found this article very interesting and it raised the hackles at the back of my neck. Corruption is a scary thing to have in a democracy… Please read and continue asking questions if you vote in Loudon: I find the […]

Lots to vote on this 2007 election

So I dug into the Virginia State Board of Elections website and managed to put together what I think my ballot will look like this coming November 6th: State Senate, 29th District: Charles J. Colgan (D) incumbent Robert S. FitzSimmonds (R) House of Delegates, 13th District: Bruce E. Roemmelt (D) Robert G. “Bob” Marshall (R) […]

Barker Fundraiser Fun

Last night my good friend Kate took me to a Democratic fundraiser for George Barker who is running for State Senate in the 39th district. Becky and David Campbell hosted this event, and the highlight was a visit from Helen Thomas! Helen spoke briefly, and I think I heard her quoting Dick Goodwin (one of […]

Canvassing tomorrow anyone?

I am spending the day canvassing for Corey Riley (for Gainesville Supervisor of the PWC Board) and Bruce Roemmelt (for Delegate from the 13th district). Both canvasses will be during the day Saturday, and both will be in Prince William County in and around Manassas. If you want to join me; call/im/email/comment. We have to […]

Virginians, please Register to Vote!

The last day to register to vote is Tuesday, October 9th (would normally be the 8th, but that is a holiday) if you want to vote in this year’s November 6th general election. So get your paper-work in order and get registered so you can vote this year! Virginia State Board of Elections information on […]

Political Debates Coming to PWC

If you live in Prince William County, and you don’t know who your candidates are for this year’s November election of state, county, and local officials, the PW Committee of 100 Political Forum Series is one great way to see your candidates square off against their opponents in a debate forum. The series runs from […]

Election 2007, PWC perspective

I usually publish a simple list guide to choices in a given election, and was already working on one for this year’s state and local elections when I found that Craig Vitter beat me to the punch with this excellent guide for Prince William County (thanks Craig)! Craig is also going a bit farther than […]

Roemmelt for Delegate!!!

Yippee! Bruce Roemmelt (Firefighter, educator, veteran, 2005 candidate) is running for Virginia House of Delegates for the 13th district again. As many of you know, I am very proud to have worked in Bruce’s 2005 campaign to unseat Delegate Robert Marshall (who is way too concerned with what goes on in my private life for […]

Our Embarrassing Virginia Legislature

The Virginia Political Blogosphere is all abuzz about the Democratic Party of Virginia and concerned citizens recording our legislature in session to record the votes and the shifty/sly political maneuvering of the Republicans in power right now. It would all be very funny except that this is our elected government trying to hide it’s business, […]