The Virginia Political Blogosphere is all abuzz about the Democratic Party of Virginia and concerned citizens recording our legislature in session to record the votes and the shifty/sly political maneuvering of the Republicans in power right now. It would all be very funny except that this is our elected government trying to hide it’s business, no our business, from us, the voters. We tried to get them to record the votes of the committees, they refused. So now people and the minority party are recording the same votes themselves to be good watchdogs on our government. The Virginia Republican Party is an embarrassment to citizen politics and should be run out of town as fast as possible.
Many thanks to Waldo and Craig for saying this far better than I could on their websites and blogs:
This (2007) is an election year for every Delegate in the Virginia House, and many of the State Senators. Make your interest in a transparent government, open to interested citizen voters known by registering and voting against the tyrants and mob-bosses in power right now.
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