James Webb and Harris Miller had their first televised debate down in Virginia Beach and WVEC (Channel 13) has it online here (it is choppy and slow, and their site is loaded with cookies/java/scripts, but eventually plays out the show).
Many thanks to Virginia Centrist for pointing out the debate in his (or her) blog.
My reactions to the debate:
Webb is extraordinarily strong, forthright and sensible in pointing out the mistake of attacking Iraq. This is the issue that first attracted me to the Webb campaign, and it is still a compelling argument.
Miller continues to call for the firing of Donald Rumsfeld, and he gets points for the strength of his attack on how wrong Rumsfeld has been from the beginning of the war.
Webb points out that we should have been focused on fighting terrorism – something I have mixed feelings about. Terrorism is an idea. You cannot fight an idea. We can and should fight terrorists.
I like that Webb represents mainstream Republicans coming back to the Democratic side of the house to toss out the neo-con radical wing-nuts.
Both are in agreement (as are we all) that George Allen and George Bush need to go, they have done huge damage to our country.
Webb endorsed Bush and Allen in 2000. Webb called Clinton corrupt in 2000.
Web continued to dodge and dodge and dodge Miller’s question about why Webb supported Bush.
Miller donated to Dennis Hastert and other Republicans.
Miller supported outsourcing as president of ITAA.
Who cares who is endorsing who? Make up your own minds!
Important things I noticed that concern me about these guys taking on Allen:
Webb has trouble voicing his positions clearly.
Miller gets flustered too easily when under attack.
Why are they both talking about Chuck Robb? Aren’t we better off without Chuck Robb?
It is embarrassing that they are behaving like this towards each other. They should be pointing out each other’s policy differences and bashing George Allen.
According to VPAP neither has a history of making campaign contributions to candidates here in Virginia, though Miller’s wife has to a Democratic candidate for Attorney General in 2001.
I wish they had talked about Jim Webb’s intentions on verified voting and environmental issues.
I wish Webb had explained simply that he, like many Americans, was duped by the Bush campaign in 2000.
I wish they had talked about Harris Miller’s intentions on monitoring corporate malfeasance.
I wish Miller had more thoroughly explained why he lobbied for the companies he did and what he learned from that experience.
I wish both had to talk about the budget and spying on American citizens and the so called Patriot Act.
They both could talk about energy independence more, they both have good messages on that issue.
Both candidates suffered from this round of debate, and I hope they both get it together before the next one; and certainly before they go head to head with Allen the smooth-talking evil-doer.
I find myself still leaning towards Harris as the better candidate, but still look forward to asking Webb some questions on Monday morning.
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