Are any readers using Boxee on their Mac, Linux, or AppleTV hardware? If you are, do you like it? How stable is it for you? Does it make watching your favorite TV shows easier/cheaper?
I tried it briefly tonight on my Intel based Mac laptop running Leopard (10.5.5) and it played “The Daily Show” and a trailer for some action movie gorgeously, but then I heard my Adium chime and tried to switch out of full screen Boxee mode to see who had sent me an instant message and there did not really appear to be a way to switch out of Boxee. In fact, trying to quit Boxee caused it to hang/freeze and I no longer could use my laptop for anything!
I got around this by closing the lid, which put it to sleep, then when I opened it it asked for my password and I switched to the administrative user and killed Boxee via commands.
So I am concerned about stability, but it looks like it might give those with broadband internet access an alternative to satellite and cable subscriptions; as they could grab their favorite shows (with commercials) to Boxee and watch them on whatever screen they can attach to a Mac/AppleTV/Linux box… Could be very interesting.
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