We had a fantastic Winter Gather with La Belle Compagnie warming and filling the house. We’ve used all the bedrooms before, but I can’t recall when we had need for more like we did this time. Planning was done for the Spring public shows (Military Through the Ages, Marching Through Time, and International Congress on Medieval Studies). Fittings were done for several newer members. Portrayal discussion and research happened. Old SCA garb was given away and medieval books we had duplicates of were taken. The project to organize and remove junk from the house is beginning to pay off with more space for guests and faster time to find things people are looking for. Sword play and wrestling moves were practiced and tried out by those studying medieval combat. The food was fantastic, and I had lots of help with dishes and cleaning this weekend.
Erci wanted to get an office beta fish, so we visited Petco and snagged a beta, some more fish for my freshwater tank, supplies, and a new cat tree for the family room. It’s a bit fancier than the one Bailey and Maia have been used to, and we thought perhaps Maia would like the extra height.
She certainly does like the top, though she feels cornered by Bailey if he stares at her from the lower levels or the base of the tree. Bailey likes the middle level and he especially likes to defend it with gentle claws and teeth in a rough game of king of the cat tree. |
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