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Why would the business interest driven media hide the assassination plot news?

Isn’t it funny how the liberal media the ring-wing noise machine keeps ranting about simply does not exist?

Crooks and Liars has an excellent analysis of the foiled attempt to shoot Barack Obama, United States Attorney of Colorado Troy Eid’s attempt to portray this as a minor threat, and the media (all networks) simply not reporting on it at all or hiding the story as deeply as they can while giving token coverage and attempting to write this off as shenanigans by meth-heads.

Scant Coverage of Obama Assassination Plot; Irresponsible or Cautious? makes a pretty interesting read.

Of course Eid is a Bush appointee, but no… that really is not a part of this at all is it?

It is important to remember that this family of drugs was first used by soldiers and pilots during World War II to stay awake and stay focused on a mission. Small amounts like the on found with the would-be assassins are exactly the volumes used by people trying to stay focused rather than people simply getting high. They were not “meth-heads” at all, they were, however, focused on a mission at hand.

Now the media is failing to report on brutal and violent oppression of would-be protesters around the Republican National Convention. While I am sure there are some trouble-makers planning mischief to foil the smooth operation of the RNC’s corporate interests party (heck, I sympathize and would like to do a little culture jamming myself), and I understand than law enforcement should arrest those people breaking the law and committing crimes; it seems like law enforcement is focused on the wrong priorities and more interested in suppressing free speech and legitimate news coverage and protests of the RNC shindig. Once again, mainstream media ignores the trappings of the police state.

How about some real journalists covering the loss of The Bill of Rights:

Update: Finally CNN is beginning to cover this a little bit:, and that CNN story makes me wonder if the DNC was designated a “national special security event, which means the Secret Service is responsible for planning and implementing security.” </Update>
OK, joke is over, bring back the constitution!

Oh, sorry about the serious tirade. For those of you who simply want to be entertained, this is cute (though the language is perhaps NSFW):

(hat tip to Blue Weeds

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