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Google Calendars sync with iCal

For those of you using Google Calendars and Mac OS X Desktops with iCal, you can finally keep them in sync without any 3rd party software. Google supports CalDav format now. Instructions are on the Google Calendar CalDAV support page.

I have mostly been relying on my Palm Tungsten C and Palm Desktop (v4.2.1) for Mac software to handle my personal calendar, but Palm Desktop has been unsupported for a long time now and is really showing it’s age. People at work have been sending me meeting.ics files (from Outlook I think) that can be opened in iCal on my Mac OS X laptop/desktop, but I had to manually transfer (cut & paste) those to my Palm Desktop software in the past. I may finally switch to iCal now that I can see all the google calendar events and sync my Tungsten C to iCal via Mark/Space‘s Missing Sync for Palm OS ($39.95).

Hat tip to John Gruber for pointing out the new CalDav support in Google Calendar, and huge thanks to Google for making multiple calendars so easy to use and share. This now makes five google applications I use all the time: search, maps, calendar, blogger, and analytics. I’d dump blogger except for the local Soka Gakkai calendar and my old Dive Blog which has not been converted to WordPress yet; but Google’s other applications simply work. Very, very sweet.

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