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Bigger Aquarium

Well, after talking it over and examining our options, Erci and I stopped by Marine Scene and bought a 120 gallon All-Glass (brand) aquarium, cherry stand, Tek T-5 lights, versa-top, sump, pumps, and plumbing to make it all work. The new big system will go into the dining room and it will house the fish and coral and shrimp from four smaller aquariums we’ve had on the kitchen counter and in the family room since they came home from work.

I am using a 30 gallon breeder with CPR backback overflow skimming to filter sand and water before it goes into the new system. For a while it will be a lot of work, but once set up it should be easier to maintain than all the little tanks. Now I am impatient to start plumbing tests and thrilled the old backpack works so well at skimming the surface water (I should have use it much earlier, great device).

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