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Why is the 2007 Virginia Election critical?

Hat tip to Howling Latina for pointing out this article in the Washington Post:

Post Editorial about this election

This election is perhaps the most important election to Northern Virginians in 15 years. Far more important than congressional and even presidential elections because this year, the control of the state legislature is at stake, and if Democrats win a simple majority in the Senate this year, then three Northern Virginia Senators will become the new leadership (based on seniority). They can effectively take control of the state legislature back from Richmond and spend a little of our tax money here, where we need it to fix traffic problems.

The Republican controlled legislature has proven that they can do nothing when given power. Rather than utilize their control of both houses to get things done, they’ve decided to waste time angering the electorate with fear and hatred for illegal immigrants – knowing full well there is very little a state can do with federal laws on the issue taking precedence.

GOTV: This year, more than any other year in recent memory, your vote will make a huge difference in your daily life. A vote for any of several Democratic challengers this November 6th will cause change in Richmond, giving the baton of control to Northern Virginian legislators – who regardless of party affiliation, know full well how much time we waste in our commutes each day.

Today is the last day to register, drop everything and go register today. Vote on November 6th, 2007.

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