Finally found a pool service company that understands we want to swim in the pool this year, and I am very happy with Pool Boys. La Belle folks swam in cloudy water on Saturday (which was the first swimming we’ve been able to do this year), and Sunday the pool cleared up enough to see stuff on the bottom in the deep end. Turns out the previous company failed to locate and remove a winterizing plug which prevented filtering from happening.
I wish I had my camera handy to capture one priceless moment where Melanie was in the pool with sunglasses on and a margarita in her hand. Melanie, Char, S, Erci, and L were there with B and T. Nice La Belle meeting, and moving of B’s lathe to my garage for a while.
Sunday we had Soka Gakkai district leaders over for some training and a nice visit. Preparations continue for Dan’s big party to be held here next weekend. Hope we are ready. We are also researching the Hawaii vacation as we have time.
Woke up early and decided to watch “Good Night and Good Luck”, which turned out to be riveting. Recommended film, but you have to be in the mood to really listen and think.
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