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Happy Independence Day

While I am not feeling very positive about our nation lately, I can at least celebrate being independent minded and having the freedom to express myself how I like.

I went to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in DC with my partner, , and enjoyed the heat, crowd, cultural exchange, and like-minded people. I was annoyed at the NPS and Federal police trying to introduce fear into the crowds with bag checks and check points. I was glad to see most people laugh them off and continue to have fun and exchange ideas despite long lines in the heat.

We got out just before the weather turned sour and heard on NPR about the weather based evacuation of the mall. On one hand it may have been extreme over-reaction, but on the other I’ve personally seen Constitution Avenue under 30 inches of water in a torrential downpour (see Sutragirl’s account of June 26th, 2006); so perhaps evacuation was a wise move after all.

We came home to rest our sore, tired feet and do more house cleaning and gardening. Heard fireworks nearby (and were grateful for the rain, as the woods had been pretty dry lately).

Anyways, normally I tend to wonder why we aren’t in a revolution against tyranny, but the Folklife Festival and seeing so many peace/protest/liberal T-Shirts on people definitely picked up my spirits a lot. Happy Independence Day to all.

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