Just got back from a very long day working as an Elections Officer at Mullen Precinct in Prince William County, Virginia. We started preparing the voting place at 5:00 am and finally called in our statement of results at around 10:00 pm. We had 1063 registered voters cast their ballots, and one provisional voter.
In Mullen, voters preferred Webb over Allen 587 to 449 with 21 voting for Parker and one write-in.
Mullen also preferred Feder over Wolf 533 to 493 with 17 for Wood and 11 for Nigam.
Mullen voters narrowly preferred Stewart over Pandak 493 to 488 with 5 write in votes, including some Donald Duck votes.
The really sickening news is that the Marshall/Newman bigotry and hatred amendment was approved with 567 over 485 votes (what the heck is wrong with people?).
The other ballot questions and Prince William County bond issues were all approved with overwhelming margins.
We are tired, but had a lot of fun. We thoroughly enjoyed working with people in the precinct, though the hours are quite long.
Update: According to the Prince William County government website (click the unofficial results links for chairman or bond issues) Mullen precinct has 3,422 registered voters. That amounts to a miserable 31% turnout in that precinct, which is making me feel sick to my stomach, though admittedly I’ve had very little sleep and the roof is leaking. In an election this important, only 31% could be bothered? Hopefully I am missing a key element in my fog of sleep – perhaps there was a huge proportion of absentee ballots? Anyways, it looks like Cory Stewart may have won the race (up by more than 5000 so far). I am nervous, as I just don’t trust him.
Update 2: If I am reading the Virginia State Board of Elections results page correctly, the difference between the two candidates in the special election for the 50th seat race for the house of delegates came down to 861 votes! Only 41.88% of the voters in that district showed up and 862 more votes could have changed the outcome. I am not sure if the absentees have been counted yet, but that could be interesting.
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