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Why Republicans deserve no votes

Josh Marshall says it quite succinctly on Talking Points Memo:

Only one party has a nationwide campaign to deliver millions of intentionally-harassing calls disguised to appear that they’re from the opposite party. That party is the Republican party. And the calls are funded by the NRCC — the House GOP election committee.

It’s the party of election subversion. Deal with it.

In the distant past the Republican party stood for abolition and the rights of the individual in the face of corporate interests. That was a Republican party worth fighting for. More recently the Republican party shifted to being about economic prosperity. That was a party worth accepting representation from. Today the Republican party is all about stealing democracy and and elections, this Republican party is about bigotry, racism, fear, gay-bashing, and hatred. This Republican party deserves zero votes.

In case you have not heard, the news is chock full of widespread reports of voter-suppression and storm-trooper election tactics, all perpetrated by the Republican party. Go vote Democratic. If you cannot do that, vote Green or Libertarian, or Independent, or Constitution or anything but not Republican.

Update: Washington Post has information with links to DC, Mayland, and Virginia voting information.

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