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Catching Up

I just realized it has been way too long since I last updated my journal/web log. Sorry about that, it has been because life has been full and fun and keeping me away from the computers.

The two weeks after we came back from Mike and Joan’s wedding in Las Vegas have been crazy-insanely busy at work. System installs at 4:00 am far too regularly, and very little time to catch a breather, though that finally happened just this week a little.

Anyway, the morning of the 13th I finally realized that our local Arthur Murray dance studio‘s Fall Freestyles event was on Saturday the 16th, and I had signed up for a lot of heats and the scholarship competition! Oops. So the 13th I took a marathon 5 lessons to prepare, though I missed the first one because I was still at work. I was pretty punchy by the group class (exhaustion from getting up at 4:00 am, working through to 4:40 pm, then going straight to 4 lessons and a class).

I was back up at 4:00 am on the 14th do install more software for work, and faded fast during the day – so I completely missed class and practice Thursday night at the studio, and my boss generously gave me most of Friday off to catch up on rest and personal life. I packed the house, overfed the fish and cat, and headed to the Sheraton Premier for Freestyles.

Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th were packed with lots of dancing and talking with other dancers. We had fabulous fun and danced pretty well, though Erci hurt her calves and hip again pushing to hard after her spring injury.

Sunday we were so exhausted that we checked out of the hotel early, went home and slept all day! I read a little – finishing “Count Zero” (which I was not thrilled with) and starting “Lies My Teacher Told Me” (which is really promising). I’ve not slept all day like that in a long time, but I felt much better about everything on Monday because of it.

Monday we had a fantastic coaching lesson with Dan Calle and John Clark, then we went to our local SGI-USA district member care meeting and had late Turkish dinner at TurCuisine in Herndon’s WorldGate Center (excellent Turkish food). Wednesday we had lessons with MJ Frank and Dan Calle again, then had a very good Samba class with Bryant Philips (we learned to do “plaits” aka “traveling swivels”) – very cool step.

Thursday we started group study sessions for this year’s Buddhist Learning Review, and the discussion was excellent, though we never got past the first point in this year’s review. We’ll need more sessions.

That catches us up to today, which began with another system install at 4:00 am, then helping Erci move her office nano-reef aquarium to her new office (move from one building to another at the same campus/company), and we are headed to The Ballroom in Centreville for group dance classes tonight.

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