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Reason Prevails in Virginia’s 33rd

I had to resort to blogs for my news because the so-called mainstream media simply are not covering this, not even the local stations for our local state senate race (they should have their broadcasting rights pulled, they are not doing their duty that comes from getting a slice of the public’s airwaves).

As usual, Waldo has excellent coverage and he has links to the state board of elections’ results. The short answer is that reason has prevailed in the 33rd district, and even in a traditionally conservative area the voters have rejected the extremist right wing agenda of Mick Staton for the relatively moderate/conservative Mark Herring despite Senator elect Herring’s Democratic party affiliation. Thank you voters for thinking this one through. Looks to me like if you replace a moderate Republican with a wing-nut, you might just lose the election to a conservative Democrat in Virginia (last year’s 67th delegate race, this years 33rd state senate seat). Perhaps it’s time for the moderates to throw the wing-nuts out of what used to be the Grand Old Party? Re-enforcing that theory is the story of the 32nd delegate seat last year, when an entrenched incumbent wing-nut (Dick Black) was tossed out by an irate voting public for a relatively moderate Delegate Poisson. It is definitely time to sit up and notice if you are a Republican.

Face it – one of two things is happening: either Virginia is turning blue, or you need to stop trying to get extremists elected because they will lose. As someone who’d like to see the state go green, would prefer the first option, but I can certainly understand who that would scare traditional Republicans – so you must gamble on the second option and pray. Perhaps you should have tried running former delegate Gary Reese?

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