The Washington Post is hosting a new service online, you can now track the voting record of your elected U.S. officials (Congress and Senate) at this marvelous new site. This is awesome because it makes it trivially easy to track how effectively your elected official is actually representing you to your government. Step up to the plate, and learn how your own representative or senator is voting on your favorite issues.
Every time you hear about something the government is doing, go check to see if your representative voted the way you wanted them to. Write to them either way, with a thank you if they voted well, and with a firm statement that you don’t approve if they voted for someone else’s interests and not your own. Trust me, others are doing this all the time. If you don’t only that rarest of politician, the honest one with integrity will actually consider the needs of all before he or she votes on a bill.
Many thanks to Brian Patton for pointing out the new web service in his excellent blog.
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