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So it is nearly a week since the election and I am still thrilled to have taken an active role in it. The hours of work, the challenge of doing things I never thought I’d like doing, and the pain in the wallet of political contributions are all worth it! In exchange you get to feel connected, you learn enormously, you have a little more faith in our strange American democracy, and you meet some of the most amazing people. You certainly are not left at home or work furiously clicking the refresh/reload button on your browser trying to get the latest campaign updates (because you are already in a precinct helping count the votes). I recommend highly that everyone get involved!

As part of my goal to stay involved, I went and checked out the Sunday Supper Club over in Fauquier County last night. They are a non-partisan group of socially aware and active people concerned about their region. They have a pot-luck supper once a month in Warrenton (usually the 2nd Sunday). At this pot-luck supper, they usually have discussion about various activities, sometimes a guest speaker (they’ve had guests from all parties, and candidate announcements), and typically a movie or documentary is run with more discussion about that. Last night the group heard the announcement of Shawn O’Donnell (co-author of “Rebuilding The Democratic Party From The Grassroots“) who is running for U.S. Congress in Virginia’s 1st District. We also watched “Wal-mart – The High Cost of Low Price” (though Erci and I had to go home before it was over). It was a lot of fun, and lots of people shared their pet projects. We will be calling our congressman about the Department of Peace as a result of last night’s meeting.

Regardless of your political leanings, go out and get involved. Make a difference. Make your presence felt while you are still around.

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