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Apple iPad canvas thoughts

OK, I confess I was wrong about the Apple iPad canvas. I thought it would be a laptop and netbook replacement only for the non-technical majority… internet and content consumers. I figured it would be a very sleek and sexy design, I anticipated that people would want them, and I figured out that once the hype and launch dust settled it would be a vastly successful device filling the niche market where the best candidates would be those who never needed to type much more than occasional blog comments, URLs, and passwords; and those who are developing applications and content for them. I figured it would be an awesome display device for professional presenters provided they had a tech-geek supporting them on a full sized computer back at the home office and supplying the canned presentations over the cloud.

I was wrong. It is sleek and sexy. People do want it. But I was wrong to assume it would be difficult to input data/content on the device… oh boy was I wrong. This device not only has an optional docking station keyboard, but it can be paired with a bluetooth keyboard. It comes with Pages; which means writers can use this as a portable writing and geeks can code on it with a full sized keyboard… this is (unexpectedly for me) a netbook killer!

I can’t cost justify one myself, as I have a MacBook Air already, but if I were in the market for a netbook or Air – this iPad canvas would be a serious contender. I still hate the name and think Gruber is right and it should have been the Apple Canvas.

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